Welcome to the Garfield Water Supply Corporation Community. Please contact our office by phone -or- you can print out the Service Application and Agreement to apply for service. We look forward to serving your water needs.
Request for Standard Service:
GWSC is a member owned water supply corporation. A membership deposit of $100 is collected from each member. Upon termination of service request from the member the fee is refundable after payment of all outstanding water charges.
Standard Service for a residential customer requires the following:
Property must be located with in the GWSC CCN
A signed Application must be completed and submitted by the owner
A copy of the land deed with volume and page attached
Payment of required fees and charges to complete water service
An executed easement granting GWSC permanent access to its water line
GWSC personnel will then review the application and determine if the type of service requested is available for the location, identify any additional infrastructure requirements and calculate anticipated cost to place service on the property. If water service must be extended to the property, then additional cost will be incurred by the applicant to receive service.
One Dwelling Per Meter Policy
GWSC has a policy of one paid meter and tap for each residence and dwelling for human habitation. If GWSC detects a possible violation of this policy, the Water Manager will contact the member verbally and/or in writing to notify the person of the policy. Another application for water may be required or water service may be terminated as described in the GWSC Tariff.
Non-Standard Water Service
Non-Standard Service is defined as any service request which requires large meter service, service to a Master Metered Account, or an addition to the GWSC supply, storage and/or distribution/collection system. The service requirements as prescribed in Section F of the GWSC Tariff shall be required of the Non-Standard Service Applicant prior to providing service.
The Applicant shall provide the Corporation a completed Non-Standard Service Application (See Section I of Tariff). The Applicant shall specify any Special Service Needs, such as large meter size, size of subdivision or multi-use facility including the projected quantity of water service, average daily demands (gpd) and peak instantaneous demands (gpm) and pay for a Feasibility Study to be prepared by Corporation’s consulting engineer.
The GWSC engineer will determine the projected LUEs, meter assembly, and system improvements applicable to the request for Nonstandard Service. The engineer will also provide the estimated cost for the new service request. The Corporation shall have no obligation to furnish water service in excess of the levels specified in the Nonstandard Service Application.
Applicants requesting or requiring Non-Standard Service may be requested to execute a written contract, drawn up by the Corporation’s Attorney in addition to submitting the Corporation’s Non-Standard Service Application. Said contract shall define the terms of service prior to construction of required service facilities