Rates & Policies

Water Billing Information:

Water bills are generated monthly unless service is terminated before the end of a billing cycle. Service initiated less than one week before the next billing cycle may be billed with the following month's bill. All bills are considered due upon receipt and are past due beyond the date indicated on the bill. Payment is considered late if not received at the GWSC office or postal address by the 15th of the month. A 10% penalty will be added for late payments.   Failure to remit payment for water service may result in disconnection of water service.


Connection Fees for Standard Water Service

Meter Size

Setting Fee

Capital Recovery Fee

Total Tap Fee

Inspection Fee

Membership Deposit

Total Fee

5/8” simple







¾” simple







1” Standard







1” Non-standard Service

Requires Engineering Study

Based on Equivalent LUE’s





Customer Usage Rate Chart

Gallons/Billing Period  Conservation Gallonage Charge 
 0-10,000 Gallons  $3.50/1000 Gallons
10,001-20,000 Gallons  $4.50/1000 Gallons
20,001 -30,000 Gallons  $6.00/1000 Gallons
 30,001-50,000 Gallons  $7.00/1000 Gallons
 50,001-150,000 Gallons  $8.00/1000 Gallons
 150,001 Gallons and up  $9.00/1000 Gallons

 Monthly Minimum Rate Schedule

Meter Size  Meter Equivalent  Monthly Base Minimum 
 5/8 x 3/4  1.0  $30.00
 3/4"  1.5  $45.00
 1" Std. Service  2.5  $75.00
 1" or Greater  Non-Standard Service  Non-Standard Service